Why Do I Give?
Why do I give to Linfield?
“Thirty years ago, I attended Linfield as a first-generation college student and that experience changed my life. My giving is motivated by a profound sense of gratitude but primarily because of my incredible students. I know that without additional resources, many of my students couldn't’t afford to attend, and that would be truly unfortunate.”
—Denise Farag ’88, Associate Professor of Business Law, Aassociate Dean for graduate programs and new initiative in the School of Business
“I have taught at Linfield for 25 years, and every year I have seen the positive difference the college makes in the lives of its students. That is something I wish to support.”
—Jeff Summers, Emeritus Faculty, Professor and Department Chair of Economics
“I give to Linfield because I like seeing how my donation enables students to apply what they learn in classes in the real world.”
—Dawn Graff-Haight, Emeritus Faculty, Professor of Health Education
“I give to Linfield because every little bit makes a genuine difference in expanding students’ horizons and thereby equipping them to become global citizens.”
—Tom Love, Emeritus Faculty, Professor of Anthropology, Member Environmental Studies Faculty, Coordinator of Latin American Studies