Linfield University Consumer Information Index
Many federal regulations require colleges and universities to provide consumer information to prospective and current students as well as to faculty, staff and the community. The links below will provide you with detailed information regarding each topic. Paper copies are available upon request.
If you have any questions about the information you find here or need other disclosure information, please contact the Office of University Advancement at 503-883-2217.
General information
- Overview of Linfield University
- Accrediting Agencies and How to Reach Them
- Communication: Email is an official means of communication at Linfield
- Consumer Information on the College Navigator website
- Consumer Information on the College Affordability and Transparency Center (including College Scorecard)
- Cost of Attendance (tuition, fees, room and board before financial aid is applied)
- Net Price Calculator
- Privacy of Student Records - Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) and Directory Information Release
- Refund Policy (or consult Linfield University Catalog)
- Student Body Diversity
- Services to Students with Disabilities (Learning Support Services)
- Textbook costs (First Day Complete)
- Transfer of Credit Policies, Articulation Agreements and Co-Admission Programs
Email is an official means of communication at Linfield. All faculty, students and staff are expected to set up their email access.
Complaints, grievances and problem resolution
Linfield University strives to deliver a high-quality, accredited educational experience for all of its students. Students are encouraged to work with appropriate faculty or staff members to resolve any concerns or issues that arise as soon as possible. Students should become familiar with policies and procedures that are documented in the Linfield University Catalog or Nursing Student Manual (if applicable). These publications include the basic policies guiding student life as well as the processes by which some academic or administrative decisions may be appealed.
- For exceptions to academic policies, please contact the Office of the Registrar. Please see the petition process in the Linfield University Catalog or the Student Policy Guide in the Catalog.
- For academic grievances concerning teaching and learning or issues of student behavior in the classroom, please review the grievance process in the Linfield University Catalog or the guides and handbooks mentioned above.
- For issues of student conduct, please consult the student policy guides and handbooks mentioned above.
Employees should consult the Employee Handbook.
Options beyond Linfield for complaints, grievances, and problem resolution
Constitution Day and citizenship resources
- Voter registration information is available for Linfield students through the Associated Students of Linfield University (ASLU). Students may also use the federal site for locating information about how to Register to vote or find assistance with registering to vote and voting
- The Linfield Department of Political Science hosts an annual educational program on or about September 17, Constitution Day, commemorating the September 17, 1787 signing of the United States Constitution. When September 17 falls on a Saturday, Sunday or holiday, Constitution Day will be held during the preceding or following week.
Copyright policies
Current degree programs
- Types of degrees granted by Linfield University
- Majors and minors available
- Graduate degrees available
Equal opportunity
Financial aid information
- Financial assistance (federal, state, local, private and institutional) is available to students who enroll
- Federal student aid program information
- Student Eligibility for all Linfield students
- Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) Requirements
- Terms and Conditions, Exit Counseling and Repayment Information for Federal Direct Stafford Loan
- Terms and Conditions and Repayment Information for Federal Direct Parent PLUS Loan for parents of dependent undergraduate program-seeking students
- Terms and Conditions and Repayment Information for Federal Direct Grad PLUS Loan for eligible Graduate students
- School of Nursing - Nursing student Loans
- Applying for Financial Aid for current students, prospective McMinnville students, prospective School of Nursing students, prospective Online and Continuing Education students and graduate students
- Ineligibility due to a drug conviction
- Provisions for books and supplies (see also First Day Complete)
- Student employment policies
- Policy for students with financial aid who withdraw from Linfield University – Return of Title IV Funds Policy
- See the Health and Safety section below.
- Net Price Calculator for first-year students and transfer students
- Enrollment in study abroad programs and financial aid eligibility
Health and safety
- Annual Security and Fire Safety Report
- Campus Security Policies, Crime Statistics and Crime Log
- Drug abuse prevention program
- Emergency Response / Emergency Preparedness / Evacuation. See also the Annual Security and Fire Safety Report.
- Fire Safety Policies, Fire Statistics and Fire Log (on-campus housing facilities). See also the Annual Security and Fire Safety Report.
- Missing Person Guidelines
- Please refer to Annual Security and Fire Safety Report
- Express or report concern for a student (Student Care Report)
- Sexual Misconduct Response and Prevention
- Student Health, Wellness and Counseling Resources
- Timely Warning and Emergency Notification
- Vaccination policies (including COVID-19)
Instructional, laboratory and other facilities
- Descriptions of facilities
- Health, Human Performance and Athletics lab
- Linfield-Good Samaritan School of Nursing labs
- McMinnville Campus Housing
- Campus maps
Professional Licensure Disclosures
Linfield expects everyone to uphold ethical standards in conducting the business of the university. No employee should engage in conduct that constitutes a substantial misrepresentation of the university, including the nature of its educational programs, financial charges, or the employability of its graduates. Misrepresentation includes any false, erroneous or misleading statement, or a statement that has the likelihood or tendency to mislead or confuse. A substantial misrepresentation is one on which the person to whom it was made can reasonably be expected to rely, or has reasonably relied, to that person’s detriment. Students, prospective students and others who believe they have experienced misrepresentation as described by this policy should contact the dean of students, the vice president for finance and administration, or other appropriate official; report the misrepresentation; and seek help to rectify the matter.
Plans for college improvement
Refund and withdrawal policies
- Please consult the course catalog for specific withdrawal policies.
- Refund policies
- Return of Title IV (usually federal financial aid) funds - policy for students who withdraw from Linfield University
Room and meal plan (board plan) costs
All room and board costs for all locations are detailed in the current Linfield University Catalog.
- Room costs for residence halls on the McMinnville campus
- Meal plans (board plans) for dining and other food service on the McMinnville campus
- Financial aid recipients will have a room and board component built into their financial aid Cost of Attendance.
- The Online and Continuing Education programs are primarily online, so room and board costs are not typically available because there is no direct charge. Financial aid recipients will have a room and board component built into their financial aid Cost of Attendance.
- Graduate programs include a living expenses cost of attendance budget.
Student outcomes
- Student-Right-to-Know Graduation and Retention Rates
- Student-Right-to-Know Transfer out rates
Although students do transfer from Linfield to other institutions, Linfield's mission is to serve students who are completing their degrees and certificates at Linfield. Consequently, transfer-out rates are not calculated (nor are they required to be calculated by federal regulation). - Student-Right-to-Know Graduation rates for student receiving athletically related aid
Linfield University does not provide athletically related aid. Linfield's athletic teams compete in the NCAA (National Collegiate Athletic Association) Division III. - Athletic Participation Rates and Financial Support Data (US Department of Education website)
- Please refer to the most recently available annual Equity in Athletics Disclosure Act (EADA) Report .
- Types of employment obtained by graduates (This link take you to outside Linfield's website to LinkedIn's website summarizing information self-reported by LinkedIn users.)
- Types of graduate and professional education in which Linfield’s graduates enroll
Teacher Education Program (TEP) Preparation Report
2021 Title II Institutional Report
Tuition and fees
Vaccination policies
Vaccination policies (including COVID-19)