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COVID-19 for the School of Nursing

COVID-19 vaccinations are required for nursing students for their safety and the safety of their patients.

Students who choose to decline COVID-19 vaccinations will need to schedule an appointment with an Associate Dean prior to the beginning of their program. During this meeting, the student and associate dean will discuss COVID-19 declination ramifications. This includes health and safety risks as well as potential rejection from a clinical rotation.

Once the meeting with an Associate Dean has been conducted, the student may submit their exemption request for the COVID-19 category in Complio. This exemption request must include the attachment of a signed COVID-19 Declination Form. The form will be provided and discussed during the student’s meeting with an Associate Dean.

Missing scheduled clinical experiences in a course for any reason, including illness or isolation from exposure to COVID-19 or clinical site policy changes concerning COVID-19 vaccination, may lead to progression issues, or necessitate a leave of absence. The School of Nursing is under no obligation to change assigned clinical placements based on a clinical site’s COVID-19 vaccination requirements. Students should refer to their student manuals for progression and clinical absence policies.

To schedule an appointment with an associate dean, begin with an email to, Linfield's compliance-related email inbox.