Marie Noussi
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Marie Noussi
Marie Noussi
Associate Professor of French and Francophone Studies
Walker 315
Professor Noussi Joined Linfield faculty in 2012. Her primary areas of teachings are French and Francophone Studies. She also teaches courses in as African studies. Dr. Noussi’s research focuses on diversity in ecocriticism (relationship between literature and the environment) and in human cultures. She is currently working on a monograph with the tentative title: "Monocultures in African Literatures and Cultures". Some of her publications include “Eco-féminisme au cœur de la forêt africaine: Vénus de Khalakanti d’Angèle Kingué” and “Café toxique: éco-colonialisme et monoculture dans La terre du café de Patrice Nganang”.
- License, Maitrise, and DEA in African Literature ,University of Yaounde 1, Cameroon
- Ph.D. University of New Mexico